LPG-Gasoline commutator device

Main features: rotary table with 8 dividers, semiautomatic, two pieces processed simultaneously, assembly, inspection and laser marking.

Rotary table machine with 8 stations and pneumatic power component movement. Loading carried out entirely by operator. Possibility to process diverse commutator models.

The line performs assembly and functional inspection using:
• Circuit programming equipment;
• “Light guide” inspection equipment;
Vision system for controlling LED functioning;
Final inspection equipment with function simulation and control of button engagement;
• Laser marking unit (in the case of specific logo and data matrix).

Saving of all production and testing data, as well as incoming Work Orders, through the interface with the external SQL server to guarantee total traceability of each single piece and remote management.


The connectors assembly and testing line is an high productivity machine. A machine able to produce 2 pieces at each cycle basing its functions on a Camas mechanical module: cam driven.

The machine is a multi-product unit. For an high productivity machine is even more important to optimize the re-equipping times for passing from one production to the other.

Dimensional control on plastic pieces (caliber passed – not passed).

Maximum attention to dimensions with positioning of the electrical cabinet on the roof.